Thursday, March 8, 2012



ok - first - I said people getting saved during the 'rapture' - I actually meant, those who will get saved during the TRIBULATION! BLONDE MOMENT!! lol please forgive me :) Hey everyone - I have enjoyed getting to know all of my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ over the past several months. I hope that in some small way I have been an encouragement to you, given you a smile, shown the light of God when its been needed. I have only ever wanted to please my FATHER and pray that I managed to do this. I have not made many videos, this wasn't my 'job', just the occasional one, which for the most part, I believe, were a message to someone. I never sought to join any 'make your page known sites' though many were offered, I never went looking for a 'large' audience, in fact, I am rather shy, and the thought of that scares me way to much, rather, I have held to the belief that GOD will direct those whom HE chooses, to my channel and they are the ones that will benefit most fro! m the few thoughts I have had to share. For this reason, I chose never to tag any words that would specifically draw people in... My 'talent' or 'gift' was small, but I used it to the best of my potential and believe that I have done it the way HE chose for me to use it. I believe that we are going HOME very soon, and look forward to meeting each one of you who have become so much a part of my heart that it isn't funny! If you come across this channel after the 'rapture' of the church has occurred, I ...